Planning for how your estate will be distributed when you pass on is an intensely personal matter. The same can be said for planning for when you may be incapacitated and someone you trust must step into your shoes to make health care and financial decisions on your behalf. Because these are such personal decisions (e.g., to whom will you give your property and what will you give them? who will make health care decisions for you when you cannot? how long should you be kept on life-support?) it is important to choose an attorney with whom you feel comfortable and trust and who will help you sift through the important decisions you have to make when drafting a Revocable Trust, Will, Advance Health Care Directive and a Durable Power of Attorney.
At Allingham & Cuerva, we help you make those decisions at a pace that is comfortable for you, so that you can arrive at the right decisions for you and your family. Our estate planning practice focuses on medium size estates. Typically our clients are young families with new children, individuals or families with a home, or couples beginning a second marriage. Contact us to help you realize an estate plan that fits your needs.